That's Ok, I'll wait....
Good. Now, first off, wasn't that amazing! What a great way to end the first season!
What got me was the way the Inquisitor "died" after allegedly plummeting to his death. This is a character introduced very early on by Disney/LucasFilms. And Hasbro only recently came out with the action figure. It seems a lot of work just to kill off a character after about 15 episodes.
I was talking to my son, and we came up with a theory. And here it is.
The Inquisitor died, but not permanently.The last thing he says to Kanan before falling from the ledge was "There are worse things then death." Some have suggested this is just a hint that Darth Vader was coming after him, but what if it wasn't.
Right before Ben Kenobi died he tells Vader, "If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can imagine." While this might have been a little bit of an exaggeration, it basically meant Kenobi would become what we call a force ghost. Thanks to the training of Qui-Gon Jinn, Kenobi shed his mortal body and became a corporeal part of the force, still able to influence people and events.
Yoda also did this during Return of the Jedi. Somehow at the end of Return of the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker was also able to become a Force Ghost, but he never got the training to do that.
Or did he.
We know that Darth Sidious was obsessed with learning how to cheat death as he discussed with young Anakin during Revenge of the Sith. Sidious even mentions wanting to work with Anakin to discover this secret.
So, what if they did it. What if Sidious and Vader managed to find a Sith way to cheat death in much the same way as Kenobi and Yoda. But what would a Sith Ghost be like: just pure evil I imagine.
And, that's how I believe they will bring the Inquisitor back in the show: As a dark side force ghosr or Sith ghost
So let's take this just a step further.
Maybe the reason Anakin shows up at the end is because he had been through the training with the Emperor However, since he had crossed back over to the light side he appeared as a force ghost rather than whatever it is a Sith turns into after death.
Also, the death scene of the Inquisitor falling to his death could be compared to the Emperor's death at the end of Return of the Jedi. So, what if whatever is going to happen to the Inquisitor also happens to Darth Sidious?
The original working title for Star Wars VII was called an Ancient Fear, which could point to a return of an old Sith. Sidious maybe? Just some thoughts on what if there are Sith Ghosts along with Jedi Ghosts.
So what do you think? Am I on to something or am I cuckoo for cocoa puffs? Let me know in the comments...