A few months ago I was telling people they needed to get out and see it opening weekend to help it do well in the box office.
I should have known Marvel/Disney wasn't going to let this weekend come without a ton of hype.
I am now fairly certain with all the advertising that has been done that many fans an non-fans will flock to see the picture.
Now I'm just hoping it is good.
While I'm certain it will be, I'll know for certain by Saturday.
So why is it important for GOTG to be good and have a big box office weekend?
Guardians is taking Superhero movies where they have never gone before: away from planet earth.
Secondly, the movie stars characters which aren't that familiar to everyone.
It's easy to fill seats when you have a Batman or Superman or even an Iron Man, but Star Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Racoon and Groot?
These are not characters the non comic reading public knows.
Heck, even some comic book fans might not have known who they were before the announcement of the movie.
Marvel/Disney is taking a big risk with this show.
The only way film producers can feel confident in giving second or third tier characters screen time is if this one succeeds.
I am hopeful that GOTG will suceed leading to more adventurous comics, but hopefully finally lead to a true female superhero movie.
Are you planning to see Guardians of the Galaxy? Let me know in the comments...